I add value to organizations by delivering the following services:

Lead, facilitate and moderate office workshops and discussions on equality, diversity, inclusion and office culture.

Companies that are consistently ranked with having some of the best cultures and retainment levels for high talent, are often praised for their focus on employee well-being, work-life balance, and diversity and inclusion.

Diversity and inclusion are important in the workplace because they can lead to increased creativity, problem-solving, and advancement opportunities. An inclusive workplace can help employees feel a sense of belonging and community, leading to increased engagement, motivation, and productivity. Read more …

Work with your staff and staff groups to listen, identify and articulate issues and perspectives that impact job satisfaction and productivity in the work place.

The importance of the human factor in any organization cannot be overstated.

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” is a famous quote by Peter Drucker. It implies that the culture of your company always determines success regardless of how effective your strategy may be. This is not to say that strategy is unimportant, but rather to stress that Staff engagement and mobilization are essential for achieving organizational goals and creating a positive work culture. Read more …

Coach, support and mentor senior managers – leading people through sensitive and triggering issues of race, equality, diversity and inclusion within the workplace.

Listening and empathy are two essential skills for any professional who wants to communicate effectively and build positive relationships with others, but this is especially important when tacking issues of equality, diversity and inclusion within the workplace.

For business leaders and people managers, effective listening and empathy can benefit work place conversations in many ways. Together, these skills can help create a work environment that fosters trust, collaboration, and mutual respect. Read more …

Create a collaborative and trusting environment for management and its workforce to engage, tackle complex issues and develop action plans for resolution.

A truly diverse, equal and inclusive working environment doesn’t just happen. It takes, intention, commitment and work on the part of both leaders and their workforce. A safe environment with mutual trust, where honest dialogue can happen, is essential to success. 

However, sometimes you will need skilled help from an independent and neutral agent who comes in to facilitate and guide both staff and management through complex and sensitive issues.  Read more …

Exploit the power of storytelling that taps into our shared humanity, to positively influence and transform your office culture and working relationships.

Do you know that embedded within your staff are people with stories, experiences and perspectives that if allowed a platform to share, could transform the dynamics and working environment within the organization for the better!

Storytelling is not just a skill for entertainers or marketers. It is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to persuade, inspire, or influence others. Stories can capture the attention, emotions, and imagination of the audience, and make them more receptive to the message. Read more …

Organize Listening and Learning Together (LLT) staff engagement sessions designed around specific issues and topics.

Effective listening and empathy can benefit work place conversations in many ways.

The benefits are increased exponentially, when this is deployed in skill fully and well moderated staff workshops and listening sessions.

When done properly, they can help resolve conflicts, improve teamwork, enhance creativity, increase customer satisfaction and boost morale.

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